Parent Permission Form

Parent permission is required by NCTC, for each student participating in the Play Festival. This includes student actors, crew members, student directors, any student involved with your production. Teachers are asked to facilitate this process, to track the completion of forms, and to ensure all students/parents are in compliance with this rule. All forms must be completed by October 16, 2023.

Parents will complete a permission form via the website Permission Click. Teachers will receive a link to your permission form when you receive your Festival confirmation and invoice (links will also eventually be available on this webpage, below). This system will allow each teacher to track forms for their students/parents, with your own account.

1) You will gain access to your Permission Click account when you receive your Festival confirmation and invoice. If you are a new Festival participant, you will need to create a new, free account using your school email address. If you have an account from previous years, login with your same username and password (reset your password if necessary). 

2) Inside your account, you will see a link that you can distribute to parents. Each school will have a unique link to their permission form (you will also be able to eventually get your school’s unique link below). You can distribute this link via email or tell parents to find your school’s link on this website. Do not attempt to edit your form!

3) To see a list of parents who have completed the form, login to your account and click on “shared with me”, then click on “form”, then click “response access”. You may also choose to receive an email each time a parent completes the form, inside your account. Please check your account frequently and send regular reminders to parents!

Thank you for your assistance and for ensuring the completion of all forms by the October 16 deadline. 

2023 Parent Permission Forms

2023 Statewide Sponsors